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抗癌药降价 未来空间有多大?清华大学公共管理学院教授 杨燕绥:未来进一步降低抗癌药价格。一方面,要增强医保价格谈判能力以及更加审慎地加强用药监督;另一方面,加快推动国内药企的研发能力,原研药企业要耐得住寂寞。国家药品监督管理局局长 焦红:对于临床急需、抗艾滋病、抗肿瘤等境外上市相关药品,将纳入优先审批通道,加快审批,预计这些产品进入中国市场将缩短1-2年时间。

安迪·塞尔沃:是的。我是说,听起来特朗普总统可能会这么认为。WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. Well, a lot of-- and, I mean, KayGraham did not tell Ben Bradlee what to write. I can—

And you don‘t want to go around having grudges against people.And, I mean, all these things that cause you to think negatively, whether it’sabout the world or about individuals or about your own bad luck or anything ofthe sort. Just forget it, basically. I think-- I think that helps.

So there‘s ripple effects.And there always will be in recessions. That’s the nature of recessions, is youget ripple effects. We get ripple effects on the railroad. but there‘s just--there’s less intermodal traffic moving now because of the supply chaininterruptions and all that sort of thing. But that‘s-- you look at, again, in1942 when I bought my stock. The Philippines were about to fall.

安迪·塞尔沃:你说过会在这个阶段“换个档”,伯克希尔的表现可能会继续低于标普500指数。你会继续这么做吗?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, I will from time time, for sure.沃伦·巴菲特:没错。ANDY SERWER:But what is the appeal, then, to own BerkshireHathaway stock?

升旗仪式结束后,行领导和总行机关合唱协会领唱,全场干部职工一同唱响《我和我的祖国》,表达对伟大祖国的热爱,祝愿伟大祖国繁荣富强,憧憬中华民族伟大复兴的美好未来!(完)责任编辑:凌辰 SF179[环球网报道实习记者 崔妍]当地时间7日,日驻美大使杉山晋辅和美国通商代表部代表罗伯特·莱特希泽在白宫正式签署一份新的贸易协议。日媒称,美方希望这项协议能在2020年1月1日生效,协议的内容包括要求日本降低对美农产品的关税等。
