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沃伦·巴菲特:不会的,也不会是埃隆·马斯克。(哈哈哈)不过有趣的是,如果你看看我们伯克希尔的前十大股东——大约一周前我就拿到了1500亿美元。ANDY SERWER:Mm-hmm.安迪·塞尔沃:嗯。WARREN BUFFETT:I don‘t know who the successor is to theCEO in any one of those 10. And I’ve watched a lot of successors come and go inthose holdings. So to think that we wouldn‘t have somebody able is just crazy,I mean, in our case, that-- that is just the ultimate responsibility of the boardof directors, is to have the right CEO and be prepared for if something happensto that person.

安迪·塞尔:好的,那在利率环境下,投资股票有什么变化吗?这使得股票看起来超级便宜。WARREN BUFFETT:No, it reduces the hurdle rate.沃伦·巴菲特:不,它降低了最低预期回报率。WARREN BUFFETT:That‘s why they like to decrease it, is thatit pushes asset values higher. Because, obviously, if you promise to pay mesomething at 3% a year, that would have been a terrible instrument for me toown,almost any time in history. But today, if you’re good for it, it‘sfabulous. [LAUGHS]

WARREN BUFFETT:It‘s unbelievable.沃伦·巴菲特:这难以置信。ANDY SERWER:And then you were talking about EdgarLaurence Smith and his discovery about bonds versus retained earnings. And thenI think you were saying that it makes for-- as far as central banks, it makesno sense to lend at 1.4% and then to have 2% inflation.

抗癌药降价 有哪些新变化?关于抗癌药降价的措施和消息最近几个月一直不断。4月12日,国务院常务会议决定从5月1日起,对进口抗癌药实施零关税;6月20日,国务院常务会议督促推动抗癌药加快降价,让群众有更多获得感;7月8日,国家医保局表示,通过开展准入谈判等措施,推动抗癌药降价。

